Author name: Oil&GasPortal


Hydrogen Underground Storage : Status of Technology and Perspectives

Author: Carlo Cappellani – Senior Geoscientist 1  Hydrogen Underground Storage : Status of Technology and Perspectives Hydrogen will play a key role in the development and transformation of future renewable energy systems. H2 has many benefits, can be generated by well-established and emerging technologies and can be used in a variety of end-use energy and

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Natural Hydrogen: Promising opportunities for Exploration & Production

Author: Carlo Cappellani – Senior Geoscientist 1          Introduction   The global energy sector is transforming and hydrogen (the most energy-rich gas) is likely to play an increasingly prominent role as a clean energy carrier. Many countries have identified hydrogen as a key pathway to decarbonise their transport, industry processes, heating and energy storage sectors. Hydrogen

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Low Motion Floating Production Storage Offloading (LM-FPSO): Evolution of Offloading Production Systems

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of  Rome     1          Introduction   Oil & Gas industries have moved in deeper, more remote and technically demanding regions in the last 30 years. With increasing technical complexity of the extraction facility, the

Low Motion Floating Production Storage Offloading (LM-FPSO): Evolution of Offloading Production Systems Read More »

The Role of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition Phase

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of  Rome   1         Introduction   The rapid growth of the world population driven by the development of the industrial sector, have led to an increase of the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. It has been

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Innovation and New Technologies in the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of  Rome     1          Introduction   Oil & Gas reservoir research and exploration requires the utilization and adaptation of a large number of different technologies spread over numerous engineering fields. Because of the intense

Innovation and New Technologies in the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry Read More »

Current Trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application to Oil and Gas Industry

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of  Rome   1          Introduction In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI), in its many integrated flavors from neural networks to genetic optimization to fuzzy logic, has made solid steps toward becoming more accepted in the

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Petroleum Technologies and Sustainability in the Era of Climate Change

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of  Rome   1          Introduction The climate change is the biggest challenge that the human kind have ever had to deal with. Despite a residual skepticism on the topic, “climate change is real”[1] and it

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Emergency Sea Protection: New Technologies During Oil Spill

Authors: Marco Cocchi – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome                 Leone Mazzeo – Researcher – Campus Bio-medico University of Rome   1          Introduction   Every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of oil spills are likely to occur worldwide in many different types of environments, on land, at sea, and in inland freshwater systems.

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